Located in a charming square adjacent to the beautiful gardens of the Garden Toscana Resort, La Corte dei Cavalleggeri is the perfect restaurant for tasting pit stop.

Open every evening, both for guests of the Resort and for customers outside the structure, it is the ideal location for all needs.

R e s t a u r a n t

Our proposals are many and they all agree: selected ingredients of sea and land are the protagonists of our Pinse, pizzas and the most famous and tasty dishes of the Tuscan tradition. And it doesn’t stop there! Come and discover all our other delicacies. Take-away service is also available, for a quick and tasty stop. Be amazed!

We will amaze you with our Menu:

- Pinsa

- Pizza

- Dishes of sea and land

- Typical Tuscan dishes


S p e c i a l t y


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